MP3 Amplifier Assignment

Task: To design and make a fully fuctional MP3 amplifier. To create this I must use CAD/CAM to develop and manufacture this product. The purpose of this speaker will be as a giveaway item to promote a high speed commuter rail network. This blog will show my design process.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Designs 2


Initial Ideas, Shapes

I looked at the images that i had found in my researh and looked at the shapes that I could develop into speaker design.

Pro Engineer Drawing

I have saved these as a DXF file to transfer on to CoralDraw, to use the laser cutter. I am going to make a model from cardboard to make sure the conponants will fit in.

Pro Engineer Drawing of The Whole Casing

Pro Engineer Drawing of Top Casing

Pro Engineer Drawing of Bottom Casing

Monday, 8 November 2010

Initial Ideas 3

Initial Ideas 2

Initial Ideas 1

Initial Idea

In a group session, as a first thought of a simple design. using the high speed rail network logos as the speaker grill. Very simple image, but will use to develop my final design.

Speaker Parts

Four Points on Speaker Technology

  • Speaker converts the electric signals into mechanical vibrations or sound that we hear.
  • A magnetic deck reproduces the audio information from the recorded support through an electrical signal.
  • Speaker translates these signals to audio waves.
  • A Speaker is a device that delivers the air vibrations.

Existing Products

Product Analysis


  • Target Market: The target market will be adults, professionals that commute on high speed trains and the general public using the trains for leisure.
  • Fuction: Speaker to amplify sound from a personal MP3 player. To be used as a promotional item.
  • Size: The speaker will have to be small, this is so easyerly transported from places.
  • Weight: This will be important again as cannot be to heavy to be carryed around on the person.
  • Durability: The product casing will ne to be strong, to be able to indure the bashing from being carryed around. The batteries will need changing, so will need a accessable point for these.
  • Aesthetics: The style of the speaker will be basiced around the high speed trains. Using the shapes and smooth lines. Will need to be modern to appeal to my target market.
  • Matericals: Appropriate materials would be plastic, as this is easy clean and strong.
  • Safety: No bare wires. Make sure circuit is safe and working.
  • Cost: As the product is ibeing designed to be given away as a "freebie" cost much be kept down.
  • Manufacture: Is going to be using CAD/CAM. Should be designed to be mass produced.