MP3 Amplifier Assignment

Task: To design and make a fully fuctional MP3 amplifier. To create this I must use CAD/CAM to develop and manufacture this product. The purpose of this speaker will be as a giveaway item to promote a high speed commuter rail network. This blog will show my design process.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Initial Ideas 1

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  • Target Market: The target market will be adults, professionals that commute on high speed trains and the general public using the trains for leisure.
  • Fuction: Speaker to amplify sound from a personal MP3 player. To be used as a promotional item.
  • Size: The speaker will have to be small, this is so easyerly transported from places.
  • Weight: This will be important again as cannot be to heavy to be carryed around on the person.
  • Durability: The product casing will ne to be strong, to be able to indure the bashing from being carryed around. The batteries will need changing, so will need a accessable point for these.
  • Aesthetics: The style of the speaker will be basiced around the high speed trains. Using the shapes and smooth lines. Will need to be modern to appeal to my target market.
  • Matericals: Appropriate materials would be plastic, as this is easy clean and strong.
  • Safety: No bare wires. Make sure circuit is safe and working.
  • Cost: As the product is ibeing designed to be given away as a "freebie" cost much be kept down.
  • Manufacture: Is going to be using CAD/CAM. Should be designed to be mass produced.